Creating the Perfect Intro Screen: Tips and Best Practices for Beginner UX/UI Designers

Intro screens, also known as launch screens or onboarding, are the first screens that a user sees when opening an app.

Manoj Bhadana
3 min readFeb 13, 2023

They can be simple or complex and serve a variety of purposes, from branding to providing a brief overview of the app’s functionality. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of intro screens, and provide tips and best practices for creating an effective and engaging intro screen experience for your app.

Benefits of Intro Screens:

1. Branding:

Intro screens provide an opportunity to make a strong first impression and reinforce your brand identity. They can include your logo, tagline, or other branding elements to help users quickly recognize and associate your app with your brand.

2. Load Time:

Intro screens can be used to display a loading animation while the app is initializing in the background. This can improve the overall user experience by providing visual feedback to the user and indicating that the app is actively loading.

3. Feature Overview:

Intro screens can provide a brief overview of the app’s main features or functions, giving users a sense of what the app is about before they dive into it. This can help users quickly understand the app’s purpose and make informed decisions about whether to continue using it.

4. Onboarding:

Intro screens can be used as part of an onboarding process to introduce new users to the app and guide them through the basics of using it. This can improve the overall user experience by making the app easier to use and reducing the learning curve.

Here are my few tips for Creating an Effective Intro Screen Experience:

Keep it Simple:

Intro screens should be simple and to the point. Avoid clutter and keep the design clean and uncluttered. A simple and clean design will help users quickly understand what the app is about and get started using it.

Use High-Quality Images:

Use high-quality images that are relevant to the app and its functionality. Images should be clear, bright, and visually appealing, and should help convey the app’s purpose and benefits to users.

Be Brief:

Intro screens should be brief and to the point. Avoid lengthy descriptions or tutorials and instead focus on providing a quick overview of the app’s key features and benefits.

Provide Visual Feedback:

Provide visual feedback during the loading process to let users know that the app is actively loading and working. This can be achieved through the use of animations, loading bars, or other visual cues.

Consider Animations:

Animations can be used to provide a more engaging and interactive intro screen experience. Animations can be used to introduce the app’s features, demonstrate how the app works, or simply provide visual feedback during the loading process.

Optimize for Performance:

Ensure that the intro screen loads quickly and smoothly to provide a positive user experience. Avoid using heavy graphics or animations that could slow down the loading process, and ensure that the intro screen is optimized for performance on a range of devices and screen sizes.

In conclusion, intro screens can play an important role in the overall user experience of your app. By keeping them simple, visually appealing, and optimized for performance, you can create an engaging and effective intro screen experience that will help users quickly understand and get started using your app.

As a beginner UX/UI designer, it’s important to understand the benefits and best practices for creating an effective intro screen experience. By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this article, you can create an intro screen that will provide a positive first impression and set the stage for a great user experience.

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Other good reads on Design:

  1. How to choose the right color for Branding, App Design or Website.

2. Emotional Design : Why It’s Critical for your product and Pitfalls to Avoid

3. Achieving Work-Life Harmony: Tips for UX/UI Designers

4. Designing a Winning Logo: The Ultimate Guide



Manoj Bhadana

UX/UI designer @TOI. Design, Deliver, Improve & Repeat